Thursday, May 28, 2009


There are 32 singles (about 16 from Nashville and the rest Utah, Arizona and Texas) going on a cruise to the BAHAMAS!!! A kid in Nashville found really cheap tickets and organized it all. We will be gone from June 5 - 8, short but sweet! I've never been on a cruise or even needed a passport so I'm pretty excited for it! Just wanted to give y'all a heads up and maybe make you a little jealous. I will be posting post-paradise pictures though, don't you worry!


Dan Sampson said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome! You are gonna love it, especially with so many people your age. Can't wait to hear all about it and we can compare notes! :-) I went on a cruise to Bahamas in January.

Paul or Lindsay said...

A little about A LOT jealous! You are going to have an awesome time. Please post pictures later. We love living vicariously through you!