Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey everyone, I finally got a job today! I will be working at Gap Kids at the Green Hills mall. This mall is a very rich area. I plan on taking my camera to work each day because you never know when a country singer will come in shopping for their kids. The pay isn't great and it's only part-time (20 to 30 hours) but it is a relief to have ANY job. I was upfront about wanting time off for Christmas and they still offered me the job so I took it. I will continue to apply for other jobs and looking for something better. I think it will be much easier to get a job in January when I don't have to request time off. Anyway, just wanted to keep you all updated. Thanks for caring.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another update!

Since Dan updated his blog I figure it must be time for me to update mine too. We got our second piece of furniture. It is a couch/bed. It's so wonderful to not be sitting on the floor anymore.

Still on the job hunt. This last week I applied at Kohl's and Target and two weeks ago I applied at Baby Gap and Gap Kids. I have an interview with Gap Kids this week. I also had a job interview on Thursday for an outpatient hospital working as an Administrative Assistant. She said I would hear back either Friday (which I didn't) or Monday (tomorrow) so maybe I'll have a job tomorrow.

We only had Sacrament Meeting today because our ward was split. The ward really was ginormous and it was bound to happen sometime. We always showed up early to get a seat in the chapel because they had chairs all the way to the back of the cultural hall. Relief Society has been so big that we had to meet in the chapel and make the elder's quorum meet in the relief society room. It will be nice to have a smaller ward and get to know people better. With this change we will be getting a new bishop. He seems really energetic and fun. In his talk today he mentioned how he loves teenagers and young single adults but especially young single adults. So it will be fun to get to know him better. Word on the street is he is a very wealthy man and has season tickets to the Titans games so hopefully (on a Monday night game of course) we can get invited.

Lori is at her second day of work today. They hired her as a part-time security guard at the Opryland Resort. We don't know if this is regular for a part-timer but she works 34 hours this week. I will be going to many events by myself, such as institute, firesides, fhe and possibly church but I will survive. We have been making a lot of friends out here so that is good.

Well that is my update for now! Congrats again Rachelle, David & Delaney. Can't wait to see Liam. Billie Jo are you getting anxious?

Love you all.

Friday, October 10, 2008

First Piece of Furniture!!!

I found this entertainment center on Craig's List for only $50. The man was moving to a new home and it just didn't fit. It was quite the hassle getting it to our apartment. We had to make a friend with a truck and it worked out perfectly that he happened to be a 6'4" football player! We are very happy to have our first piece of furniture.
In other news, we finally got internet and cable hooked up in our apartment. We let them know how unhappy we were with their service so we will now be getting two months free of service and 2 movie tickets.
We also recently bought an air mattress so we are no longer sleeping on the floor.
I also had two job interviews this week. I am only interested in one of them. If I get this job I would be making nearly double what I was making in Provo, so that would be fantastic. At this job I would be working for a bankruptcy attorney in downtown Nashville. The building is right next door to the CMT building!!! The lady that interviewed me gave me the rundown of the firm and the benefits and asked me a few questions and then said she would give my resume to the attorney but I haven't heard back since. The firm is really big, about 30 attorneys and only 10 paralegals. The firm is on the 22nd floor of the building.
I spent last weekend in Virginia tending Kyle's kids. It was really fun to get to spend some quality time with them. They were quite a delight!
We are loving our ward. The activities are so great. Institute is wonderful. We still don't have callings yet but hopefully soon. I am leaning toward primary pianist but we'll see.
Dan- Kyle and I were thinking that since you love the Outer Banks and Kyle, Paul & I will all be back east we should have the family reunion back east this summer? Think about it!!!
Anyway, that is a small update on what I have been up to. I miss you all!