Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey everyone, I finally got a job today! I will be working at Gap Kids at the Green Hills mall. This mall is a very rich area. I plan on taking my camera to work each day because you never know when a country singer will come in shopping for their kids. The pay isn't great and it's only part-time (20 to 30 hours) but it is a relief to have ANY job. I was upfront about wanting time off for Christmas and they still offered me the job so I took it. I will continue to apply for other jobs and looking for something better. I think it will be much easier to get a job in January when I don't have to request time off. Anyway, just wanted to keep you all updated. Thanks for caring.


Anonymous said...

Great news! Congrats! I hate job hunting, it's always nice to land a job. Miss ya!

Dan Sampson said...


cdsdds said...

Nice work. Keep the reports coming.

The Neal Family: said...

Very cool- family discounts?

Jaclyn said...

I'll see what I can do about a family discount. They may frown upon it though since I have such a large family. I'll see what I can work out. :)